What is the First album or song you remember you Played when you took your first solo drive on the highway?

I'll start  mine was "Bodhisattva"

LOL, Mine was an 8-track tape of Kenny Rogers, The Gambler was the song:

I installed the 8-track player in the glove box myself. To my parents dismay, I didn’t tell them or ask for permission. I was operating under the “better to ask forgiveness…” principle… HEH, they ended up using it quite a bit, so all’s well that ends well.

Edit: forgot to add it was Toyota Corolla, my sisters worked together to total it a few months after I installed the 8-track, one hit a curb the other got rear ended when she short stopped a stop sign,which bent the frame.


Whatever was playing on the radio. My 1963 1/2 Ford Galaxy 500 XL convertible didn’t have an 8-track or cassette player. That was December 1963. This, with wire wheel covers and fender skirts, 390 cid, 4 barrel carb, automatic. Interior was white vinyl, top was black. That was a crazy 16th birthday present from my dad. :birthday:


It was late at night and i was so knocked out by the sound I had to pull over and listen to the whole of the album before travelling home.


1981, 19 years old in a Talbot Simca 1100Ti. Bought it with a friend who drove it total-loss three months later after a night shift at his holiday job.


And why shouldn’t it be Motown? :smiley:


Late December Jim? Oh, What a night! :wink:


Got my driver’s license on my 16th birthday, December 10, 1963. Got stopped for speeding on the way home but didn’t get a ticket. My mom talked the NC state trooper out of giving me a ticket. Took my first solo drive that evening. Had my first date (a blind date) with my current (and only) wife 11 days later. Typing this from my 101 year old MIL’s home just now. Life is good.

I don’t even remember if that car had AM or AM/FM, but I think it was AM/FM.

I prefer “Oh What A Night” by the Dells. My band used to play that.


Great story Jim. You’re a good man. :+1:


Well I had a Vauxhall Nova with a throbbing 993cc engine and a Blaupunkt stereo when I passed my test.

I’m not 100% sure but it’s highly likely the album I played on my first solo drive was this



Whatever was on FM radio stations WGTB, Georgetown University and WHFS from Bethesda MD in my '62 VW Beetle.
Good stuff.