Is this E in the upper left corner a flag that indicates a version of an album with extra (aka “bonus”) tracks? If not, what’s it doing there? I couldn’t find any mention of it in the Knowledge Base.
It indicates explicit language
Thanks. I’d forgotten all about the PMRC. Is there a way to turn them off?
yeah in setting>general there is a “customize album display” menu. click on edit to open the menu and there will be a toggle switch for the explicit tag
This means that this album is the better version. It’s the one you should add to your library and for whatever reason Roon doesn’t seem to choose it by default…
Need a check box that enables prefer explicit.
Add another to prefer local files too while we’re at it.
I don’t think there is any guarantee that just because it is the explicit version that it is also the " better" version…
This is not correct. The “E” indicates explicit language as has been posted by Animal.
@Jim_F – he’s making a joke that if there exists an E and non-E version, the non-E is butchered to make it ‘kid safe’, so the E is the “better version”.
OK, thanks.
But why does the “E” go from the top left corner when looking at the album in Artist view to the bottom left corner when you view the album?
The E deployment seems pretty random TBH. Doesn’t appear on any of my Led Zeppelin albums for example
Led Zeppelin albums/lyrics aren’t “explicit” in terms of language.
Exemplary yes, but not explicit.
This has already been asked for as a feature request.
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