What is the weakest part of Roon?

… or Roon Shuffle (the InternetNames convention is apparently deprecated now. RoonX terms are becoming written as Roon X).

While I quite like the term Roon Shuffle, it could also be renamed as Roon Radio to distinguish it from the Internet Radio feature…

@AndersVinberg. Sorry, I misunderstood. Can’t you achieve what you want by excluding the form Cantata using the inspector in the works tab? I’ve not played with this much but it seems to work.

  1. Metadata is not good enough, for both non-classical and especially classical. Far too many inconsistencies and gaps when this is a primary reason to buy Roon.
  • Probably need to employ machine learning and/or crowd-sourcing to get it right (as well as ingesting more databases and moving to a streaming model).
  1. Roon Radio is just dire. And, as has been mentioned many times, it is not radio.

  2. Inability to browse (and swim in) TIDAL as if it was part of your permanent library.

  3. TIDAL equivalence issues. (Non 1:1 match between what is visible in TIDAL’s app and Roon.)


One thing that I find too clumsy is the “By This Artist” listing of albums on the album detail screen.

Apart from the lack of version and / or format info in this list, it is a waste of screen and just too many scrolls.

Here is my Bob Dylan listing shrunken as far as I could. I chopped the tail. This is maybe 15-20 scrolls.

Compare to the view in the artist page

The problem is that access on-screen within album detail is a perfect place to use. But just not a single vertical column listing.


RoonRadio! Not only for the ridiculously narrow focus, but also because it keeps the focus at the start of a Q/session.
I tend to Add next/Add to Queue, rarely stop/terminate, and so RoonRadio will start playing something based on what I played days ago. I really think it should be based on the last few things added (albums, works or single tracks).
Also, as someone else said, not having easy access to folder view (or just show the path) for tracks or albums not imported, or with problems.
Not being able to play multichannel tracks.

I’ll use this opportunity to philosophize a bit…

Yes, I probably can, although I have little confidence in the quality of the metadata. But I am not interested in what I can achieve, by cleverly combining built-in capabilities. I’m not interested for myself, don’t want to spend my time being clever with my tools. But more important for this conversation, requirements for cleverness will not help with widespread adoption, and hence with long-term success of Roon. Most potential customers, but excluding the people active in this forum, will not have the ability or the interest in clever usage.

For this particular case, the various browsers like Composers/Works/Movements and Artists/Albums/Tunes are there to enable not just navigation in the library when you know what you want, but serendipitous discovery. I have written at length about this: it’s the thing that has made me rediscover my library, and learn about the evolution and co-evolution of artists and trends and innovations. And serendipitous discovery comes from obvious visible presentation of the information. Navigation is good; search is good; Roon’s Discovery method is good. Clicking on an artist on one album to see what else he has done - yes, that is natural. Really powerful Focus – that easily walks away from serendipity to directed queries, a whole different things.

Simplicity, that’s my driving goal. (I am a techno-geek, make my living from that, but I don’t think that is the right thing for Roon to succeed in the marketplace.)

Similar thinking is why I don’t want a VPN to enable remote access (as @DrTone suggested). Setting up, and maintaining, an always-on server at home with a reliable internet connection from wherever you are – far beyond 99.99% of the market. I feel very strongly about this: it is not about whether it could possibly succeed, it is that the vast majority of the market would not consider doing it.

I have a son who is a musician and very interested in exploring artists and trends, and is also technically savvy, and lives near me – I have given him a Roon subscription. But for the rest of my extended family – no, Roon is beyond them. This is sad. It is a deep failure.


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