What we are listening to [2021-01 to 2021-03]

Modern Big Band Meets Scottish Folk Music.

Deepening the River is in the first instance about Glasgow, its citizens, its diverse communities, its complex history, its collective consciousness, and its international reputation throughout history. The music is intended to invite an exploration of a multitude of themes based around Glasgow’s people, history, and culture…”
(Paul Towndrow)

Available on bandcamp.


Sorry, loved this show. Miss looking forward to new episodes.

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Both artists highly underrated I’d suggest & I have a large collection of them both.

I’d suggest posting that also over in soul/r&b/funk section or even the hip hop, (even though it’s not hip hop), where it may get some love. It’s just an album full of amazing sample worthy ‘beats’.

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Hmm yes, so did I. But the last season was a whole load of pants. Very disappointing. Almost like the end of Lost.

I cant say I was as disappointed as some, but there is no doubt it was rushed and could have been developed much more.


Did anybody get that far? :thinking: When it first aired it was rather new idea I thought and sort of dragged me in. But then…it never stopped. :laughing: I can’t recall how far I got through it, but I was a long lost viewer by the time it ended.

I’ll be fair though, I’m not a big tv watcher, so it’s far from unusual I’ll start something & not get far. I don’t have any form of paid tv…free to air has way too much choice (of not much) for me as it is.



I don’t watch much TV but Mrs. Dozer persuaded me to watch GOT. I enjoyed immensely at first, and actually reached the end of the thing. Writing quality fell away as they ran out of original source, and had to compress time relative to early series. By series seven folk just turned up wherever they wanted in a world that seemed vast at first.

I didn’t watch this but I get the impression that the series name came to reflect the state of the writers. TV kills hit series by spinning them out to milk the cash cow, forcing writers to make it up as they go along. Finally the shows appeal wanes, execs cancel at short notice and writers are forced to wrap up with unseemly haste. In fact it’s not just modern TV, here’s the archetypal take on commercial pressures dictating story pacing:

Twin Peaks is one that upset me on it’s original showing and put me off TV some.





Listening now but my feet and music have a disjointed relationship at best, the same as the rest of my body from the neck down :frowning:

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If you like the Anchoress, her last album “In memory of my feelings” with Bernard Butler and released under her own name (Catherine An Davies) is also worth a listen.

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Thanks Jason I did see it yesterday, but had a full queue. Just added it to my library and queue to have a listen


Start the morning with Valerie June’s debut, this week’s release has prompted me to go back to these. More Appalachian on this one but still a varied mix but that’s no bad thing.


Just because music is danceable doesn’t mean you HAVE to dance to it. That’s probably a relief to many of us… :joy:


To my daughter definitely. I am the antithesis of embarrassing Dad.


At 193cm with long limbs and zero coordination I’m a serious danger to anyone in my large “dancing”(thrashing?) zone…

I’ve been compared to a bipedal, excitable Moose, which is a little unfair according to every Moose I’ve met…