When playing display all the cool information on the artist Bio rather that the just the lyrics

It would be good if when you display the music on the screen that you could see all of the cool information on the artist Bio rather that the just the lyrics, this would make it more informative for the people you listen with. Plus it would be cool!

Is this what you want?

Click the gear:

Drag the order around with the dotted thing then enable / disable what you want to see:

You can move the order of what’s displayed and the top will be what is displayed when the track starts.


This solves my issues before I even asked about them :slight_smile:


Is there a more exhaustive detailed walk through of roon features? I’ve had it a couple of years now and still keep finding things!

Hi, does this help?

It doesn’t really. I went in earlier as i was going to suggest help but couldn’t find the description of the now playing options. It may well be there but I couldn’t find it.