When will Roon Arc be available again in Switzerland (Swisscom)

I am based in Switzerland (Swisscom) and Roon Arc worked seamlessly for me until about a year ago. Since then it only works on my network at home which is irrelevant because I connect through Roon remote at home. When I log in, it informs me my Server (Nucleus) is not configured for access outside of my network.

Is there any update on either when Roon Arc will work again in Switzerland or is there an adjustment I can make on my nucleus so that it can be accessed outside of my home network.

Many thanks in advance

Can you post a pic of the Settings / Arc page?

Many thanks for your help - troubleshooting download:

“ipv6_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“188.hhh.iii.jjj”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“2a02:aaa:bbb:ccc:ddd:eee:fff:ggg”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_upnp”:true,“error”:“<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\” s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\“>\n<s:Body>\n<s:Fault>\ns:Client\nUPnPError\n\n<UPnPError xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0">\n501\nAction Failed\n\n\n</s:Fault>\n</s:Body>\n</s:Envelope>\n”}

Hi @JM77,

I recommend searching around for threads related to Swisscom on this forum.

Other users have noted that this provider employs CG-NAT, which will scramble the port forwarding upstream of your account. Unfortunately, this is outside of Roon’s control and at the level of your internet service provider. I recommend asking Swisscom directly whether a dedicated external IP address is available for your account tier.

I believe our helpful moderator @Robert_F has posted this in response to your previous thread here:

There’s a useful reminder contained within about Tailscale, a VPN solution common for Roon users who are blocked by CG-NAT.

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