When will the annual subscription go up, and what will it be?

My question is genuine. I may come off as smug, but it’s not my intention. See below for a list of “the competition” you claim we don’t have.

Exactly. I made an attempt here:

There are a ton of people who leave Roon every day. I’m very curious where they go and why. Why wouldn’t I be? @Geoff_Coupe has been around since the early days of Roon, when we were unknown – I’ve been asking these types of questions from the start.

I just have access to knowledge you don’t. I am not challenging that people feel wronged or cheated, only that “no one will pay such money”. Given the information and our goals (to REDUCE lifetime subscriptions), my comment directly addresses the fact that our goal would be better served by raising the price more, counter to the idea that “no one will pay such money ($699)”.

I’m actively trying to fix that impression by engaging you – smugness doesn’t help me at all. Any and all points of view help me. Most feedback gets bucketed into obvious things I already could have guessed or already know, but once in a while, I learn something new. That’s what I’m looking for.