Where are Roon ARC Muse presets saved?

I noticed that MUSE presets saved in Roon on my MacBook aren’t accessible in Roon ARC on my iPhone. Similarly, MUSE presets saved in Roon ARC on my iPhone aren’t accessible in Roon on my MacBook. This got me curious, are the MUSE presets saved in Roon ARC on my iPhone stored locally (on the iPhone) or are they saved on the Roon Server?

The obvious implication being, what happens if I replace my iPhone? Will my Roon ARC MUSE settings need to be recreated (or worse, lost) or will they be “restored” by Roon Server?

They are stored in the cloud on your account for ARC. So if you reinstall or move device they are restored with your log in.

Main Roon is different as muse is different as it allows a lot more configurations and settings. These are backed up with your database backups which you should have configured.

Thank you! I do indeed have Roon Server backups configured so I should be all good. Thanks again!

Just to clarify, are you saying that they are stored in my Roon cloud account or are you saying they are stored in my iCloud account?

Roon account.

Perfect. Much appreciated!

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