Where are the Box Set Improvements

Happy New Year …

I know all the standard answers and do not expect a delivery date. I know Roon will not declare a timetable on feature developments but this is now well over a year of as a “Coming Soon” feature. It was even one of the “Harman requirements” along with Folder Browsing and Playlist Improvements in Feb 2024

Continuing the discussion from A message from the Roon founders:

Several users I know were asked for their thoughts on this BUT , features that were not promised (as usual) have materialized but not the one that impacts virtually all classical, and some non classical, users.

This has been outstanding for literally years (I am seeing Nov 2015 in one thread) , I have a perfectly functioning set up for years in JRiver using their Expression Language, is it so difficult ?

As usual I expect Radio Silence.


I’m only using Roon for a year now so I’m not that familiar with the “which list”. But I do own several box-sets and a way to group all those albums into the overview as one, would be nice

It’s been on the cards for years but was revitalized when Harman bought Roon