Where can I check Core uptime?

I’ve tried to find uptime of my core. Unfortunately nuc I bought seems to be broken (8i3) works most of the time but I suspect it probably restarts from time to time. Linux Mint I checked restarts every time after running browser…
(Service checked ram and it’s OK. Probably mainboard. Eh. My Mac mini has 10y and no problems so far…)
It would be helpful to check how (un)stable my core is…

If you just want to see the Roon server uptime on Linux, here’s how I check mine:

andreas@symphony:~$ sudo systemctl status roonserver.service 
[sudo] password for andreas: 
● roonserver.service - RoonServer
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/roonserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-04-11 13:30:06 -05; 3 days ago

This is Ubuntu 20.04, but should work on Linux Mint, too.

To check the system uptime, just use the Linux uptime command.

Thank you Andreas :slight_smile:
Unfortunately i have Rock now.
Any other os causes restart. It may be related to temperature. I set all low performance in bios. My roon db is small so Rock seems to be “stable” but it may be not true :wink:
As I quickly check it’s almost impossible to buy only mainboard for nuc especially 8gen

Well, I’ve never used ROCK, but have seen enough references on this board to a web interface which includes the uptime of the OS and the Roon server process.

Here’s the KB article:

From ROCK’s GUI -


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