Which playlist?

I played an album today, at the end of which Roon selected more tracks ( which I quite like) and began playing these ( different artists and albums). The track and artist details show at the bottom of the screen but there seems no way to find the playlist they are coming from. What am I missing ?

I believe you are listening to the roon radio feature.
If you look at bottom of your queue you will see:

You can turn it off and on and it will select songs for you randomly.
If you turn it off, it needs to be turned on/off in each zone you have.

I hope that helps.

If you like what you’ve heard, you can (I believe I’ve done this :grinning:) go :previous_track_button: through the Roon Radio playlist and add the ones you like to your library

I cannot see any mention of Roon Radio. I simply played an album I had saved to my library. When the last track had finished Roon started playing tracks from what I assume it classed as ‘similar artists’.
I cannot see any parameter in Settings and there is nothing that looks like the screenshot above at the foot of the album ‘playlist’.

Which device are you using to control Roon? The location of the button to see the queue varies.

Ah, if I click on the album art icon for what is playing there is a line saying ‘Picked by Roon Radio’ with a thumbs up and down. But noth8ng else.

I’m using an Ipad.

I don’t have an ipad to tell you.
Can you find your currently playing queue? Mine is the 3 horizontal lines and triangle play button on the right of my screenshot.
It should offer roon radio there.

Or does on the pc application.

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Brilliant, there it is !