Why aren't all your friends using Roon?

Totally understand :slight_smile:
I was thinking about what you wrote above:

If I was primarily listening to music in one room then the comparative (to other software like Foobar) value of Roon would potentially be: Metadata, UI functionality and design aesthetics. These may or may not be desirable or worth while to someone.

My use case is a good HiFi in the living room with other hardware that can then extend music to the rest of the flat with reliable multi-room. I like a high quality HiFi but also moving around with the music following. Controlling the music (e.g. play count and tagging) and the hardware is important.

Sonos came close to the above (I was a user for many years and may buy again) but it fell short in many ways.
Roon offers more for the above use case and that made my mind up to buy a lifetime subscription (about a year ago).

Love the screens by the way :slight_smile: