Hi. So I’m looking to integrate my Pure Music into the Roon playback loop for my PS Audio DSD DAC. But this may be problematic given that I think PM works only when embedded with iTunes. But I’ve heard good things about both JRiver and Audivarna so I’m willing to buy more software to enhance the playback experience. But of course I want to continue to use Roon as my default program. Can either of these programs be easily integrated into the Roon settings? I’ve got a Mac Mini connected to my DAC via USB with analogue line out to my Bryston preamp. Would I be able to simply download either program to my desktop where the Core resides and bring it into the playback loop?
How did you rip the ISO’s from your SACDs?
Not all of us do.
Having a lot of software is time consuming.
Time I would rather put on listening.
Wrt ripping, both the CDs I’ve ripped in the last year were done with dBPoweramp
I’ve been using XRecode ($15 USD for life). Super simple to use with a large selection of user-friendly configurations. Iso2DSD is good, but very limited and not very configurable. https://xrecode.com/