Why does Roon die with no internet connection?


I am with @Bruce_Barbour here

“…However I most certainly should be able to access my local music library. Come on Roon and return this basic functionality to us!”

I find this development that you pay to NOT get access to your local music as a dent in the roon development. Also, suffered this outage and was not impressed.

roon ‘Please’ fix this unnecessary feature.


A good solution is to get a second internet connection. A cellular sim card with a small monthly allowance of data inside a device that hands off an Ethernet connection will allow you to stream locally without breaking the bank when your primary circuit is down.

Additionally, it is not difficult or expensive to buy an appliance that will switch over roon to the cellular connection automatically in the instance your primary connection goes down.

I understand that this is likely not the answer most people want, but if we are being solutions oriented it is likely the best way to tackle this problem.


Yeah this is a flaw in my opinion. Seems Arc and Roon could run independently. I’m not currently using Arc because Plex is more usable and stable. But at home I much prefer Roon for the richer experience.

I mean, the backup file is massive, so you know all of the meta data about my local files is retained locally. Really no reason for Arc be a limit for local.

Thankfully I can use Plex or MusicBee at home without internet, but it seems odd I would need multiple apps to have full access to my local library.

Sounds like their mind is made up on this, but I’ll keep mentioning it, like I’m mentioning Arc functionality limitations. Kind of relieved I didn’t spring for lifetime now, as there may come a time when another platform will become a one stop shop for both all access points and the rich metadata experience I love in Roon.

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I have unlimited data on my cellular next to my normal cable Internet. So for me it isn’t an issue.

However your suggestion that you should get an additional connection method just to be able to listen to your own local music strikes me as odd.

It’s like buying a car, but you still need to buy a separate engine for it.

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I think a better analogy is that you keep a few gallons of gasoline at home in case your car gets low.

Regardless, you can certainly do more with it than just listen to music. For instance, you could log in here and complain about roon.

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I’ve seen this suggested (using your cell phone hotspot if internet is out) but damned if I know how to do this for Roon. I don’t believe my AT&T supplied router has that ability. Are there routers that do? Any insight would be great. In fact, it would go a long way if Roon would write something up in the Knowledge Base explaining this fallback.

I have a Fritzbox 6690 Cable and it can be tethered by USB to a phone and use the phone’s internet connection

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Thanks for the pointer… I’ll start looking into that. Are you using your phone hotspot as a fallback or as your primary IP? I want a solution that will still allow me to support my home LAN and multiple endpoints. So you’re using your Fritzbox as your primary router rather than whatever your ISP provides? Not sure if/how AT&T will allow me to do that but I’ll start digging.

My primary is Vodafone Cable that the Fritzbox is connected to, the phone tether would be the fallback.

Yes, I use the Fritzbox instead of the Vodafone standard router, which sucks. Here in Germany we have router freedom by law, the ISP doesn’t have a choice. If you buy a private router, you get a code from the ISP to enter on the router which signs it up.

If you must use the standard router, you could probably route the internet through the standard router to a second one and connect all the home network gear to the second. If primary internet goes out, the second router could then fall back to phone

The cell phone idea is a clever kluge, but there are still some of us who live in places where Cell service is weak, slow and unreliable, if it is there at all. We are discussing a product, Roon, and solutions that involve buying something else don’t really rise to my notion of a solution. After all we could just stick to CDs eh?

I voted in the poll mentioned above and it appears there are at least 415 of us customers who would like Roon to do something about this. I wonder what the total Roon customer base is? I’ve seen some numbers that suggest to me that there are only on the order of 300,000 “audiophiles” in the world.

250K were said a longer while ago, and growing

AT&T devices typically allow for a passthrough or bridge mode that enables you to use a downstream router. Depends ultimately on which att device you have.

One of the most important features of Roon is organizing the local library of music and playing this local music.
This should be able without a permanent internet connection !!!
Of course I use Roon to searech in new music by streaming. But, as my experience is that locally stored music sounds a little bit better than streamed music I buy and download new music when wishing to hear this music more often.

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Add your vote to the feature suggestion that was linked above in this thread. Here it is again.


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Note, this was put back to 1.8 functionality and the OP would not have lost access with a 12 hour outage:

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