Why is credit card data retained for lifetime members?

@support For security reasons shouldn’t credit cards be deleted rather than kept in your database?

Would also be great to see you expand your payment options to include cryptocurrency, etc. You can use services like Bitpay etc. to make this very streamlined.


@danny noted in this thread that Roon does not store credit card details. That information remains with the payment processor.

That’s splitting hairs. The point is, the information is retained by SOMEONE, and there is no need for it. It is a matter of time before the payment processor gets hacked the way things are these days…

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This is Stripe’s Global Privacy Policy. We (meaning Customers) may have rights to request confirmation and deletion of personal data as set out in Section 5(c ) depending on our local laws.

Some sensitive credit card details (eg expiration date) are visible in the Account / Payment Information section of the Roon website. Even if Stripe retains information these could be removed from Roon’s website, right?

The strong preference of course would be for Roon to ask Stripe to delete the full record so that neither company retains anything.

I agree, and have asked myself this question too. I see no need for anyone to retain this information for lifers, other than perhaps for account verification purposes if one loses their login info. At least after 2 years it will probably be inaccurate anyway.


With the CC on file, you can buy gift codes, Nucleus, and future offerings we have in the works.

Lifetimers are our #1 buyer of gift codes.

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