Ive been happy using ROON as a lifetime member. I especially like to read the artist bios, album information, and links to related topics ROON provides. But Wickepedia really does a much better job then the current system. The bios of artists, album information, etc are so much more in depth and Wickepedia also provide links to other artists involved in the projects. Through Wickepedia can find cover art to be used in case ROON occasionally can’t find the correct version.
I support Wickepedia every year with a donation. I’m sure Wickepedia would be glad to negotiate with ROON for access to its treasures of information.
It would also be great if we could have a **slideshow **of public domain photos of artists etc., in addition to the album cover ROON currently displays. ROON subscribers could then use features like “mirroring” to project the images on a larger monitor in the listening room or projector. Yes i know a screen in the center of the listening room will disrupt imaging somewhat, but these features could add a new dimension of enjoyment to an already GREAT ROON experience.
(The truth is out there but not necessarily here)
I have often wondered if Roon shouldn’t try to implement some sort of browser window within its window. I can see myriad arguments against it.
But consider this: Roon has a database of objects that include the related text strings of artist name, album title, track title, related points. If Roon’s browser was able to parse the text it displays and turn the text that matches its database into links to the collection, where something like a right mouse click would bring up a context menu to play, queue, shuffle, what have you, would be pretty cool. Similar to what we get with artist bios and the links there, except not just to the corresponding page, but rather to experience the music in real time while browsing.
It might not be that hard. I’m no developer but my 12 year old son has been working with a version of Chrome that is built into his development platform. He’s built me some basic interfaces to make accessing media functions more easy, including opening YouTube and Netflix within designated windows. So I gotta think there is a way to leverage Chrome or another existing popular browser technology so that Roon itself is not distracted by developing or maintaining browser technology. Just collection-centric parsing.
Yeah, I know, there are many higher priorities. But this would be FUN!
I am a long-term, lifetime subscriber. I enjoy the Roon experience, but also find Wikipedia to be a better resource for album, artist, and other credits information. For example, Roon often provides full listings of contributors, but rarely (if ever) identifies the tracks on which these musicians played.
The Roon links for musicians and composers are extremely useful when browsing my library. However, Wikipedia provides much more useful information than provided by Roon. In fact, I am frequently dissatisfied with the album/artist reviews that are linked within Roon. These reviews have a tendency to emphasize the personal tastes of the reviewer, and not provide the factual information I seek.
Wikipedia is available in many different languages. While not all information is available in any language, the coverage especially for local artists is generally better in the respective native language version of the wikipedia.
I’ve been campaigning for this for a long time. The Wickepedia articles and Bios are better than the ones ROON provides. Sometimes for some composers a link is available on the ROON main artist page. But usually not. The would be ideal.
I would agree to make a Wickepedia contribution for support each year. To me this would be ideal.