I recently switched from Rock core on a NUC to a Windows core. This issue I’m having is if I’m not logged onto the machine the core doesn’t respond. We’ll try starting playback in a zone on our Android phones and it will be “waiting for core”. Once I log on to the Windows machine and open the Roon client then the Android remote will respond. I’m not clear why I’d have to be logged on for the core to be able to do it’s job. Is it not a Windows service that’s always running under the system account? Or maybe I have something else configured incorrectly? How do others get around this? Thanks.
Did you install Roon or Roon Server? If you installed Roon Server, it will always be on and available if your computer is running. With Roon, you have to start the app for it to be available.
PS: If you want to get to a backup from your old NUC, maybe you could remove the HDD from the NUC and attach to your PC as a USB drive and do a restore. But, maybe not if you were running Roon RAAT on the NUC, IDK.
Oh Snap! That’s it! Now I feel dumb, thanks for straightening me out.
Note, Roon Server does not run as a service so you still need to be logged on, but it can autostart and run in the background. You can set an auto-login for the Roon account
Thanks guys. I am using a laptop with Windows 11 as the Roon core and I believe I only installed the Roon app on it so it the app is closed I don’t have access on my other devices.
So I need to also install the Roon Server on the laptop? I need the app, i keep it open so it displays on the laptop screen for viewing.
If so, where do I find the Roon Server for downloading? (I see an article below that I’ll read.)
Thank you!
So there should be no issues installing Roon Server on my PC Laptop even though it is not a “headless” server I am using for the Roon Core?
Sorry just being extremely cautious not to muck anything up. It sounds like it’s going to prevent me from using my Microsoft PIN when logging in going forward? I’ll have to create a new password?
I read further, sounds more complicated and could possibly introduce a security risk when setting to Auto-start that I’m not willing to take, just not technically savvy enough but thanks for the information.
I’ll just continue to pause all automatic reboots when I go on vacation so I don’t loose access to ARC.
As an alternative you could try allowing the laptop/pc to sleep and use Remote Desktop, VNC or Wake on LAN (WOL) to get things running…
Thank you sir! I’ll investigate those options. I hate to go away from home and not have my Roon library with me.
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