Wired connection worth it

For the longest time I could not stream 192/24 bit, my streamer was networked via wifi. I finally took a day and ran ~100 feet of 6a network cable from the router to the streamer and wow, what a difference. No issues anymore. Epic as I had to route outside the house, but a few hardware store trips on and finally done.


Welcome to the trouble free Roon wired world :sunglasses:


Pin this, save it, scream it from the rooftops. This is how it is done.


I am going to hard wire my node to my Yamaha. that is the way to do it. gonna to direct stream from my router too.

Your core should be connected by a home run (single ethernet cable with no intervening switch) back to your router or core switch. If your core can have local music (internal or USB drive) that’s better but not necessary.

Nodes / streamers / endpoints can be Wi-Fi if they work, but ideal is to have them connected by ethernet. No issues if there are intervening dumb switches or well-configured managed switches.

my core is on MacBook and it’s wireless connected. I have a iMac 2011 and it won’t let me download the Core to the computer. I have an old MacBook 2015 that I do not use, maybe I should use that as my core and attache my usb drive with all my music library on it. HUMMMMMMM… let me think.
Maybe that will help me have 24/7 Roon on and use the ARC on my phone when I am out and about.
Would you think that would work?

That would work. Run nothing but the core on the 2015 MacBook, basically leave it as a headless server, connected by ethernet to your core router/switch.

Wired is certainly the way to go - pretty much essential for core and highly desirable for endpoints etc.

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Wi-Fi can be made to work for sure but wired takes so many possibilities of failure out of the equation it’s worth any amount of work you have to do to make it happen.
When I first started I used the Wi-Fi in my laptop which I used to trial Roon for maybe 3 hours before figuring out how I could get a wired connection into my music room.
Never looked back…


I should probably pin this but I moved it out of tinkering and into a main section where at least it might gain more visibility.
It really is a major event of import IMHO.

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okay. I am going to set up my MacBook 2015 just for the core and my usb drive connected with my full library music. that will help me have 24/7 Roon core on???

Yes. I use a Mac to do this.

And do you use it as a head server as someone suggested?

Yes. All it runs is Roon

How do you keep the computer on all the time with the screen close and not have your comouter screen up? So you set it up with the headless server?

Yes it has no screen or keyboard mouse. I set them up once just to configure. I use MacOS screen sharing to manage it.

Well, i am going to search on how to use my spare macbook as the core and connected to my the core 24/7

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Thanks! I am not that computer knowledge yet. I will search how to do it. Make use of my old computer that is only worth 50$


Not a MAC user myself, but…
Install Roon Server version, which can be started as a service with the system, running in the background without a GUI, and make it the “core” when first starting it.

Turn off MAC power saving sleep mode, since that would cause it to become unavailable for remotes and ARC - screen may be turned off.

And if you plan on occasionally controlling/configuring Roon from that MAC, additionally install the full Roon version, which may be run/quit at any time without affecting/interrupting the core.


Well said. I always felt WiFi is for tablets and phones. :laughing: There still is too much latency.

Unfortunately, even with wired, 2.0 w/ new info servers has a delay just long enough to be annoying.

But music plays great!

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