WORK and PART: Still working?

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This album:

has Mahler’s 3rd (first six tracks) then a piece by Strauss (seventh track).

This release does not exist in the Roon db so it needs to use file tags.

I used to be able to use Yate to add custom tags WORK and PART to have Roon group the first six tracks into a “Symphony No. 3” composition. This no longer seems to work on the Roon side.

This is still working: WORK, SECTION, PART are valid tags. However, any typos, or incorrect artist, composer, etc., assignments will break things.

Actually I had neglected to define PART on each track that has WORK defined - I assumed it would group by WORK and take the track title as PART, but it doesn’t (it should).

So I defined PART as each track’s title and that worked.

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