Worst Album Covers (any genre)

I’m going to have to disagree with you @florib !

I’ve always liked the Seasons in the Abyss cover. That album is one of my favorites, and the cover is done by the same artist they commissioned for most of their album covers. The drawing is meant to resemble the scratchings one may find in the notebook of a deranged mind. Of Slayer’s covers, I find Show No Mercy to be their worst.

As for the Pungent Stench album… I bought that CD in my late teens purely because of the album cover! I happened to know of the artist (Joel-Peter Witkin) because he was known around the medical student circles in Albuquerque (he did a lot of similar artwork, and I grew up there). It was a terrible album, but an effective album cover!


Art can be anything, especially very contentious. Some people break out in jubilation, others are shocked. What one person still considers art is impossible for another. In any case, it brings attention, sales…

I wonder if it worked for some of the covers above :slight_smile:

Hi @danny,

thanks for the background information

Ok I must confess that the cover of “Show No Mercy” is indeed the worst, the cover of “Seasons in the Abyss” just came to my mind at this moment. Of course, this is also a matter of taste. In any case, “Seasons in the Abyss” is my favorite Slayer album.

I bought the “Pungent Stench” album for exactly the same reason as you (besides an uncensored album by Cannibal Corpse). This was a time of my youth when it was more about being extreme. The musical content was rather secondary. I only knew at that time that it was a death metal band. Unfortunately, at that time it was not so easy to listen to an album before buying it, as it is today.

I sold the CD of the “Pungent Stench” album only recently, because the music was always too lowbrow for me. Only the track “Splatterday Night Fever” had appealed to me to some extent until today. After all, it was almost 30 years in my collection, although I heard it only rarely.


Yes, if the lighting / illumination is still turned on :rofl:




your photoshop skills!

Buggered if I know but it’s a great album :sunglasses:

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This album cover certainly puts many off even listening to it.
Which is a shame as it’s actually very good symphonic prog metal well recorded.
But pretty tasteless cover🙄


I think you are confused there Kevin.
The Moonspell album covers are magnificent unless you’re wife happens to look at your phone while you are browsing them. Then she is likely to get confused and call the police




Well this cover looks eerily similar to the last one I posted!


@TheRiz it’s always sad to see a good cover ruined by a nasty font and inappropriate background. I’ve fixed it for you.


Much better :+1:

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While searching through albums on Discogs I came across this :rofl:



It looks like I might be able to draw that and I’m horrible at art!

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I thought you HAD drawn it😉


Creativity at it’s peak!


I like keeping this thread alive as there are so many album covers.

Here is a new release album cover I found on Bandcamp. Can anyone guess what movie this is from without looking it up?
Lord Beatjitzu - Ninja Terminator

Same artist but a different album lol!

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