Wrong artist under Cassandra Jenkins and missing album in discography

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The above album shows under albums for Cassandra Jenkins it is not her. How is this even related to her, she seems to have a primary artist credit amongst other artists. Not sure this right.

Also An Overview on Phenomenal Nature is missing from Roons Disography, it’s in Qobuz and I have it locally.

Here you see it in my overview this has a Qobuz version in versions.

The interloper album Kenneth Anger is down to TiVo – I’ll let them know.

An Overview on Phenomenal Nature is being treated as a version of (An Overview on) An Overview on Phenomenal Nature, which is annoying, but the albums seem related enough that I may have a hard time convincing TiVo to move their (An Overview on) album elsewhere.

TiVo has also messed up the main performers on that release too.

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(An overview on) is not the main release its demos of the original album An Overview on Phenomenal Nature.

I know, but TiVo may well consider it to be part of the same album. I have suggested otherwise.

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@CrystalGipsy This appears to be fixed on our servers. TiVo fixed the bad album artist credits and did actually move the demos album to a new home. They also found the import issue which was causing the bad credits.

As usual, it might take up to a week for the updated metadata to be pulled into your library.

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Thanks for the update Joel, appreciated.

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