Wrong lyrics in many songs

Is it just me? Lately I see too many of my own library selections that display lyrics. However, many of the lyrics are for completely different songs. Not just occasional mistakes, which I guess are from computer AI generated software, but using the wrong song. Is there no quality check on this data? Also there is no way to edit the lyrics to correct them.

Lyrics are provided by a lyric service to Roon. Given that dates back to 2015, not sure those lyrics were AI generated, but, who knows.

If this is a streaming track then No you cannot. But, you can make a post is Support Metadata detailing the issue and Roon can contact their Lyrics metadata provider to hopefully correct the issue.

If this is a local track, then, Yes, you can. If you add a Lyrics tag with the lyrics to the metadata of the track, Roon will use that in preference to its own lyric information. Information on how to can be found on the Lyrics Tag FAQ, here