Wrong Lyrics - Roxy Music first album

The lyrics for Roxy Music first album tracks 4-9 are wrong. Track 4 (Virginia Plain) shows the lyrics for Track 5 (2HB), track 5 shows track 6 (Medley-The Bob) and this goes on until track 9 (Sea Breezes) which has the lyrics from Track 10 (Bitters End), these are then repeated for Bitters End (so track 10 is correct…).
Hope this can be corrected, thanks.

Your local version or a streaming version?

Local version. The Tidal album has correct lyrics

Probably good to post a screenshot of the metadata

Ok Heres a screenshot of 2HB with lyrics from Bob-Medley shown

Track 6 should be The Bob (medley) so perhaps there are metadata issues. If you choose edit > reidentify does it choose the right album?
That’s all I can think of, after that it’s over to roon support…

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OK, I tried that (edit/reidentify) and it worked!

I guess they have fixed the metadata/lyrics since I added the album. Thanks for the help.

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