Wrong photo of Oliver Nelson (Sax) in Similar Artists

When looking at artists similar to Freddie Hubbard, Oliver Nelson appears with a photo that doesn’t look right.

When I click on that photo/name, I see what appears to be the correct photo:

Hi @soundserge. I’ve made an edit to separate the two different Oliver Nelsons. I’m not sure why you have two different images; can we come back to this in a week or so?

Gladly. My Steps Ahead artist page still has the wrong photo too, by the way.

You’ll almost certainly need a manual image edit for Steps Ahead. These are the two photos we have (assuming you are talking about the Jazz band, originally named Steps).



That’s the one, yes. Can you explain why the Step Ahead case requires a manual edit and what I should expect to happen in a week or so with the Nelson case?

I’m trying to develop a mental model for what is stored where and how updates affect what I see…

@joel revisiting this as requested. I now see no image for Oliver Nelson: