Yes - Fly From Here regarded as the same album as Fly From Here: Return Trip

Yes recorded the album Fly From Here with Benoit David on lead vocals in 2011. This album is the one referenced in Roon.
However, in 2016, Yes re-recorded the album with Trevor Horn on vocals, and released it as “Fly From Here: Return Trip”.
I have both on hard drive and both are referenced as the release frown 2011.
(I have bigger cover art on Return trip and have also directed Roon towards the embedded album title)
RoonShareImage-637235258473630870 RoonShareImage-637235258939412230
Further info here

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I’ve seen that too. Good thing you mentioned this.

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Yes, this is incorrectly marked in Roon. Please correct!

Hi everyone,

We are investigating this.

Hi everyone,

We’ve contracted our metadata provider about this and we’ll be sure to keep you updated when more information becomes available.



Looking good… however the Originally Released date is incorrect.