I’m sure the answer was formuled a lot.
The differences between HQPlayer desktop and embedded for use with Roon …
May I install Roon and HQPlayer in the same computer …
Thank in advance
I’m sure the answer was formuled a lot.
The differences between HQPlayer desktop and embedded for use with Roon …
May I install Roon and HQPlayer in the same computer …
Thank in advance
I don’t think anyone claims an audible difference between HQP Desktop and Embedded. They are developed separately so can have different features from time to time and there is a separate licence fee for each, so you tend to pick the one you want and stick with it.
If you intend to run Roon and HQP on a computer with a graphic user interface (GUI), whether Windows, Mac or Linux, then get Desktop.
If you want to run HQP on a headless (no GUI) Linux server then you might be interested in Embedded. Unless you are a sucker for punishment (like me) you would usually want to have some familiarity with using Linux through a terminal before taking this path.
You can run Roon and HQP on the same computer. This enables you to specify ‘localhost’ when configuring an HQP output in Roon. Your user experience when running both will depend on how hard you are asking HQP to work (upsampling to DSD 256, 512 or 1024) including modulator and filter choice and the spec of your computer.
Yes. As a matter of fact, my system is configured and running as such.
For Roon, there is no difference between HQPlayer Desktop and Embedded versions.
Most important difference between Desktop and Embedded:
Furthermore, Embedded is only running on Linux systems.
This requires Linux knowledge, or making use of a Linux platform that provides menu structure and support to set things up.
I make use of audio-linux.com myself, without having any Linux knowledge.
It is not officially supported by Signalyst, but i am using it now (with a number of system upgrades) without any issue at all.
If you do not want to ‘touch’ Linux at all, then Desktop version is the way to go.
Thank you very much. I’ve got an Atoll ms120. Roon ready. Roon works perfectly with it and the computer and the Atoll are not connected with a cable. The computer is on net with a lan cable and the Atoll in the same net with a lan cable.
With this configuration HQPlayer is it work?
The stramer is not an hqplayer endpoint. Once roon has given the audio to hqplayer, hqplayer not Roon, does the network distribution, hqplayer has its own endpoints and does not use roon endpoints.
In your case you will need to connect the computer running hqplayer and streamer by usb or get a hqplayer endpoint connect ethernet to it and then usb from it to the streamer.
Thank you. My Atoll haven’t a Usb Audio.
Then you need to get an endpoint that is an hqplyer endpoint, has ethernet in and coax or toslink out to put in front of the atoll.
A raspberry pi with the right Hat, would do. Be aware that either coax or toslink can limit your resolution, especially dsd.
Thank you. I would not use coax or optic. So HQPlayer can’t connect to Atoll by LAN as Roon does.
The atoll is not an hqplayer endpoint. You could ask atoll tech if they could add support.
Thank you again. I’ll write to Atoll support.