Roon won't load - database issue

Roon has stopped loading - a screen pops up with a frowny face (shades of Mac - ugh) and “There was an issue loading your database.” There are no options but a redirect to the forum.

This version was downloaded in the last week or so - I can’t tell which version as I can’t enter the program.

Win 7 Pro 64bit 16Gb Ram i7 3770 Asus P8Z77WS using onboard sound internal SATA drives

I trialed Roon for a while and it seemed good, so I tried to import a large folder from an internal drive. Roon stopped importing at about 6000 files even though it scanned many more. I restarted Roon and rescanned, but it would never import over about 6000 files, I rebooted and now Roon won’t load at all. I can’t produce any no logs because Roon won’t load - maybe there are logs saved somewhere?

Thanks for any help. It is disappointing because Roon seemed good but now I wonder if it handles larger databases well.

[quote=“George_Karavan, post:1, topic:8418”]
It is disappointing because Roon seemed good but now I wonder if it handles larger databases well.
[/quote]How large is large? 32bit Roon is good for up to circa 250K tracks, 64bit well over 400K tracks.

I’ll leave a flag here for @Mike to pick the database issue up with you.

Not that large; I was gradually trying more files. This would have been about 107K tracks - Flac redbook.

@George_Karavan - dealing with a similar issue here on a MacMini. Seems like a recent update of Roon broke something because my client tells me it needs to update databases before continuing then shows the message.

Anyone having the same?

Hey guys – sorry for the trouble here.

A couple questions:

  • Have you been moving or changing your Roon database at all recently? Restoring a backup, moving to a new computer, restoring from a Time Machine backup, anything like that?
  • Have you tried restarting your computer and then starting Roon up again?

We can walk you through gathering logs and looking into this further, but I just want to make sure I understand the current status @George2016 and @aronson.

Also @aronson, could you provide some more details about your system?

Thanks guys!

Yes, I rebooted the computer and restarted Roon. The only thing I did was try to add an internal folder as stated. I did not mess with the Roon files at all. Thanks.

@mike I backed up the folder in my Library and started from scratch. Kinda frustrating. Do you want me to try putting the backup in place and starting again?

Ok, @George2016 – I’m going to follow up via PM and we’ll get a deeper look at what’s going on here.

This message is really pretty uncommon, and generally means something has gone wrong. If you have data in your original install you care about (edits, playlists, history, favorites, tags, etc) I can absolutely dig into this for you. If there wasn’t much worth saving in there, we can move on, but I’m happy to take a look.

Again, sorry for the trouble guys – this is exceedingly rare, and something we take really seriously.

Roon was working perfectly. Suddenly got the frown screen and “There was an issue loading your database.” I’m running on Mac tower at work through PS Audio Sprout into AudioEngine 5+ speakers. No problem like this before and not sure what to do. I’ve rebooted Roon, computer and all attached gear several times to no avail. I’d really like to get this fixed. Thanks.

Hey @Avi_Markowitz – sorry for the trouble here. I’ll follow up via PM and get some logs so we can figure out what’s going on here.

Stand by!

Hi all,

I just experienced the same issue. I haven’t changed libraries or such, the only thing that could potentially trigger it is that the NAS hosting my library was shut off and then started again a while later. Any thoughts on what this could be?



Hey @Asgeir_Gislason – can you give us the details of your setup?

Have you restarted Roon? Is the error consistent?

Hi Mike,

I have tried both restarting Roon and the computer. The issue is persistent.



Hi @Asgeir_Gislason – sorry for the slow response here, I just sent you a PM with instructions for getting us some more info so we can look into this.

Let me know when you’ve sent the logs and we’ll get this working for you soon. Thanks!


Well, I guess it was bound to happen sometime (which is why one makes backups in the first place…)

Came home from work yesterday to a shut down PC (Windows 10 64 bit). Restarted and kicked off Roon. Got the frowning face so restarted the PC again, just to make sure it wasn’t a one-time glitch. It wasn’t.

I do have a NAS backup of the roon folder(s) which is probably a couple of weeks old, so no catastrophe if I need to restore, but I was wondering if there is something @support @mike would like for me to do with the current set of files for troubleshooting purposes before going ahead with the restore?

Bestest, Gösta

Hi @Yowza ---- Thank you for the report and my apologies for the trouble here. Kudos on the back-ups :clap: :+1: very glad to hear you have those!

I would be really interested to see what went wrong here and would like to gather some logs from you for analysis and will be contacting you momentarily via PM with instructions.

After logs have been collected from your current DB, I would suggest moving it aside, renaming it (ie"Roon_Old") and restoring from the backup you have available.


Hello @Eric,

I have uploaded log files as per your separate instructions. Also sent you an email with some additional information but got the following response when writing to

[quote]We’re writing to let you know that the group you tried to contact (community) may not exist, or you may not have permission to post messages to the group. A few more details on why you weren’t able to post:

  • You might have spelled or formatted the group name incorrectly.
  • The owner of the group may have removed this group.
  • You may need to join the group before receiving permission to post.
  • This group may not be open to posting.

If you have questions related to this or any other Google Group, visit the Help Center at

Thanks, admins

In case my email did not reach you, as per the above error message, I am enclosing my original email, sent Saturday September 17, below:

Hello Eric,

Thanks for your quick response! This is one of the many things I love about Roon :slight_smile:

I have uploaded a zip file called ‘Yowza 2’ as per your instructions.

Some more information from my side…

Yesterday I renamed the crashed Roon directory and restored from backup to a new roon directory in the same place. The backup was from August 29 so was expecting to lose all changes/additions between then and yesterday.

Once restored I started Roon and everything went without glitches. What did surprise me was that when I went in to ‘Overview’ I could see Tidal albums that I had loaded as recently as 2 days ago, exactly the ones that I had expected to lose due to the age of the backup. Very nice surprise but, at least for me, really baffling… The most recent addition was Norah Jones – Feels like home.

Hope you can make use of the log files to track the problem.

Also, perhaps this should be a new topic in itself… Not that infrequently Roon crashes. Usually it is when left on overnight and as far as I can tell the error pop-up refers to the NVidia video driver. For example, this happened to me this morning when I went to send you the log files. So as I’m on a roll here I also uploaded a zipped set of log files called ‘Yowza’ from when I restarted Roon this morning. I realise it probably would have been better to zip the log files before I restarted Roon so if you don’t have any use of this zip let me know and I’ll try to remember to upload log files directly after a future crash.

Wishing you a good weekend from Stockholm,[/quote]

A post was split to a new topic: Issue after a power hit - “There was an issue loading your database”