1.2 has killed my DAC connection![Solved]

Excellent! Enjoy @scirica!

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@scirica good to hear!!! @mike you might want to put up a warning or something. Sooner or later someone will only have an iPad or Android control point with a headless install.

Source ->Roon Advanced Audio Transport → Output (WASAPI Exclusive Mode)

Yup, that looks right.

The RAAT node is new for connected outputs in 1.2 since they use RAAT now. In 1.1 that node was only shown for RoonReady devices.

@mike you might want to put up a warning or something. Sooner or later someone will only have an iPad or Android control point with a headless install.

Yeah, I agree. We could be more clear about the timing stuff in the release notes.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Roon 1.2 Feedback Thread

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