love roon,soild expericence until tonight,installed 1.8 ,got logged in and started setting it up,had alot of trouble getting asio or wasapi going,one minute it would work then next roon starting flashing a error message,messed about for over a hour ,had to then reinstall roon to get it to work on my windows pc,and when you click on ablum or artist info it takes ages for all the information to load,it feels laggy and slow at times ,hate it so much ,so windows setup seems to be working now,so i try the roon remote app on ios,it keeps searching for about 10mins looking for my windows pc,it aventually finds it it keeps connecting and disconecting,uninstall ios app and reinstall roon app but still wont connect to pc,rebooted the router and pc again but still the same,i thought id try my android tablet incase its a ios problem but low and behold the android app is doing the same thing as ios,dont know whats going on as its been working all day untill i installed 1.8,ive reinstalled everything about 3 times now,on top of that i hate 1.8,not feeling it ,much prefer 1.7,really regretting insatlling 1.8 now,as my system is now broken scunnered…
Sorry for the trouble here, @Stephen_James!
Can you give us some details about your network setup?
Do you get any errors when the disconnects happen or does it just not show the Core at all?
when i lauch the remote app on android or ios it will start searching for the core,after about 5-6 mins it finds it but keeps saying connection failed and then it will try again,it was working right up until tonight with no problems,and i hate the ui,im sorry but i do,on my ultrawide monitor everthing is now so small,reminds of the ios mobile app at times where in 1.7 its spread right across my screen,and when i click on artist or album info it takes ages to load all the info where in 1.7 it was instant,please let anyone who wants to switch to 1.7 instead of 1.8 cause if im honest i couldnt get used to the new ui,its laggy and slow and thats on my i7 samsung ssd,my broadband speed is 180mb all connected with ethernet,no wifi,i ended up uninstalling 1.8 and installing 1.7 again,everything is back as fast as it was before but the remote apps on ios and android still wont connect to, the core
hate hate it,broke my system,everything was working untill tonight ,now my ipad/iphone/android tablet roon remote wont connect to roon core on my win pc,reinstalled everything 3 times and still wont connect,even tried my spare router to eliminate that,dont understand it,it was working fine,and new ui is really slow and laggy at times,when i click on a album or artist info it will take about 10 seconds to load the information where in 1.7 it was instant,not feeling the ui one little bit,on my ultrawide monitor it looks like a mobile app layout at times,i jst hope there is a way to go bck to 1.7
Hi @Stephen_James,
Since you are using a Windows PC, I would verify that both Roon.exe and RAATServer.exe have been added as exceptions to your Windows firewall.
You can use these instructions to add the exceptions and the executables themselves would be located in your Database Location/Application folder path.
I would also add these exceptions to any Antivirus or other Firewall blocking applications you may have and ensure that you connected to your network via a Private network, not a Public one, see this guide for more information.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Roon 1.8 not working for me