1.8 shocking where do i start

love roon,soild expericence until tonight,installed 1.8 ,got logged in and started setting it up,had alot of trouble getting asio or wasapi going,one minute it would work then next roon starting flashing a error message,messed about for over a hour ,had to then reinstall roon to get it to work on my windows pc,and when you click on ablum or artist info it takes ages for all the information to load,it feels laggy and slow at times ,hate it so much ,so windows setup seems to be working now,so i try the roon remote app on ios,it keeps searching for about 10mins looking for my windows pc,it aventually finds it it keeps connecting and disconecting,uninstall ios app and reinstall roon app but still wont connect to pc,rebooted the router and pc again but still the same,i thought id try my android tablet incase its a ios problem but low and behold the android app is doing the same thing as ios,dont know whats going on as its been working all day untill i installed 1.8,ive reinstalled everything about 3 times now,on top of that i hate 1.8,not feeling it ,much prefer 1.7,really regretting insatlling 1.8 now,as my system is now broken scunnered…