64 Bit Roon Applications [SOLVED]

We plan on releasing as ready, not all together.


Hi Danny,

Any update on Windows 64 bit release?

Anxiously awaiting as I would love to be able to add my entire collection and be able to see everything (almost constant garbled fonts)

It is in alpha test right now. Soā€¦getting closer :grinning:

I would be happy to volunteer as a tester, if you need one.

Are we likely to see the 64 bit version this week?

Hours, days, weeksā€¦ Iā€™d guess: soon. :smile:

Mac OSX 64bit is completed too, and in this beta cycle. Next release, hopefully any day now, will have 64bit support.

Great news Danny.

Hopefully, the end of garbled fonts.

Questions: For a large library (greater than 300,000 tracks) is there any benefit to having more than 8 GB RAM for a 64 bit system. I am using a core i7 processor (Haswell). The GPU is discrete (laptop Nvidia maxwell). The PC is an alienware alpha, running windows 10

I have 112,424 non-duplicate tracks across a broad library, a lot more with duplicates. I use about 1gb of memory with RoonServer. Maybe it could spike to 50% more than that.

8GB should be more than enough, but that said, I have 16GB in my MacBook Pro because I do a lot with the machine.

My RoonServer Mac Mini above only has 4GB.

Thanks Danny,

Since the machine roon is on is a dedicated machine, hopefully 8 GB will be enough.

We shall see.