96khz > 48khz sample rate conversion

@thomas_clark1 -

Check these out. They should work for you, without being unnecessarily kludgy.

Ur the Man

Thank u!

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To burden u futhur…

What do I connect all this to…

I understand USB to my A9…


USB from your Mac, RCA into your A9. No?

Ask the vendor first before you buy, to make sure it will work and pass the res you want.

Anyway, what can you lose for $40?

It would sound worse this way.

Just go airplay for simplicity. If you want to play higher res files you have no choice but to have another device attached to the A9 that is

  • Roon Ready

  • Has a built in DAC

Use your Mac as Roon core and remote only and let it connect over the network to the new device.

The new device could be a cheap raspberry pi with and appropriate DAC board attached these can come as diy or fully assembled but generally rely on some computer knowledge to set up and maintain or a purpose built device such as the Bluesound Node 2i which is more expensive but plug and play and can work wirelessly.

For $40 it’s worth a try. It seems he doesn’t have optical on his A9.

SGC sells it for that purpose, but I agree that it’s a kludge.:neutral_face:

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