96khz > 48khz sample rate conversion

No idea…as u may have concluded I’m far from an expert.

Given inputs on speaker any ideas?

OK, still researching.

In the mean time, here is a description of your speakers. They seem to be a prior model -

You can tell it’s an old review because there is shock at the $2700 price.:slightly_smiling_face:

“for sharing Wifi settings during AirPlay set-up”, not USB audio.

The Ethernet port only supports DLNA and Airplay. So, Roon could use Airplay, or the cinch (phono) inputs, which would require a streamer/Dac like a raspberry Pi with a HAT.

Google Cast / Airplay is why why Roon is doing the 48Khz conversion.

Yes thx

Preciate all your work

For real

Yeah, I see that now that I’ve found a review of the OP’s older model A9.:slightly_smiling_face:

I think the OP said that he tried Airplay with no joy.

I’ve been looking for an appropriate HAT. Any recommendations?

I don’t know, I have no experience with such devices but maybe a Sonore UPnP Bridge could be a solution also and the already available network could be used?

The Sonore UPnP Bridge will make your DLNA or UPnP audio player show up in Roon as a Squeezebox.

Nah, don’t think so. It’s just an RPi for $230. We can find something cheaper and just as good.

I think this is the HAT that will work.

Any JustBoom users out there?

Where’s the S/PDIF port on that B&O?

you guys are great.

you get the sense these days that no one does anything nice for folks they don’t know. Seems to be a callous time these days.

refreshing to experience all the help on this board

Hmm, those RCA inputs are the pisser. Isn’t there something that will convert S/PDIF to RCA stereo.

Something like this -

Dunno, never had to do it.

Seems like it would do the trick…just use that in tandem with your 1st suggestion b4 you discovered no optical in the A9

Yeah, that’s what I think.

Maybe there are other suggestions.

B&O’s spec, FLAC/ALAC 8-192KHz, must be via (network) DLNA. Roon doesn’t do DLNA, so this won’t be achieved with it. The B&O and Roon do have Airplay in common, which is restricted to 48Khz, hence your downsampling signal path for hires. Buying an external streamer and DAC just to use the speakers with analog RCA inputs is probably bad advice, I think you need to accept your A9’s are restricted to 48Khz with Roon, and enjoy the music.


Still not even sure my ears can appreciate any difference

I know mine can’t :rofl:

Yeah, I agree. There isn’t that much difference between 96K and 48K.

Not worth getting down in the weeds about.

Do I derive any benefit from 24 bit files or is it all lost in the downsampling,?

Perhaps, depending on the source/mastering, 24 bits can give a greater dynamic range.

They cost more
Would be dumb to pay extra for no reason

Story of my life