A thread to actually celebrate Roon and no doom and gloom please!

I took the jump to ROON about a year ago. I built a fanless NUC 8 i7 as my core. Once I made that commitment, I bought a lifetime license. My cost for all of it was just under $1,900. I have four endpoints both wired and wireless. I have had very few issues with it. I am an album guy, so ROON works great for the way I listen. I mostly use it for ripped FLAC files in my personal library. I also have a Quobuz account. ROON is a key part of my music listening along with my cassettes, CDs, and LP listening.


Since I created this thread I have been reading many problem and support threads to try and get a feel for the situation.

Maybe couple hundred members posting with problems.
250,000 registered users.

Sure in a perfect world there would be zero problems but the perfect world does not exist.

I’m sure some people must remember or be aware of the numerous Microsoft debacles, some of which took YEARS to resolve.

All I have to say is a big thank you to the Room team.


New to Roon. Tried out Roon on free trial on fairly old PC. Worked most of time with the odd drop out when using Qobuz. Decided to pay for subscription after trial and upgraded PC (using i5 Intel NUC) and re installed core. Now running sweetly with no problems whatsoever. Old PC was almost an antique and was in need of replacement was surprised it even run as well as it did on it. About only thing I can find wrong is the wonky placement of photos sometimes in credits.


Love the post, but love your member description even more. Fantastic stuff. You’ve made my evening.

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Well yet another totally uneventful update to build 790 passed by with nary a fart to be heard.
Counting my blessings for sure and the good will of the Roon team.


And yet again another uneventful update on all devices to build 795.
Once again thank you to the Roon team!

If it fixes the Tidal stutters issue, quite a few folk will be happy. It’s been a big moan of late

Unfortunately can’t comment on that as Qobuz user here.
Sure it will be quickly be very apparent…or not.

This week, I have tried both Audirvana Studio, and the new Apple Hi Res service. Both were deleted within 24 hours as it was immediately obvious that neither came anywhere near Roon as far as giving ME what I am looking for out of these packages. Granted, I have about 300k tracks on my hard drive, with about 5300 being DSF or DFF files, and almost all the rest being FLAC. AS, although l really likes it’s sound and UI was painstakingly slow compared to Roon. Apple Music Hi Res had great sound, but I would have to convert my library to a format they support for the FLAC files, and there is no way to listen DSD without sacrificing sound quality. And I’d give there UI an F- compared to Roon’s. Even though neither competitor came close to Roon for me, that doesn’t mean they might not be viable for someone else with a normal sized library. But one word of warning about AS. When it analyzed my library, it changed titles, broke up box sets, and made other changes to thousands of tracks that I now have to revert back to the way I had it. To put it as mildly as I can, I am a very, very upset camper. My take is Roon Ūber Alles!


My Core is 795, but the iPad is still at 790.