Add custom genre artwork


Already know how to add art for albums/artists, but could not find a similar function for missing Genre art. E.g. I promoted some genres to Top Level (like Fado, Medieval, Hardstyle) but Roon does not show artwork then.


I think this is a feature request - maybe there’s already one. Currently, you cannot assign Genre artwork in Roon.

Thanks, I moved the item to Feature Requests.

Don’t all genres just use the artist artwork in a mosaic? So if you want to change artwork for a genre, you have to start with the musicians who have the most content within the genre?

I think it would be cool to be able to assign artwork for genre, tags, bookmarks, any object. That is the logical endpoint to Roon’s object oriented architecture, right?

If albums are only assigned to subgenres you’ll see a b/w genre picture for the parent genre. Also (?), if no artists are assigned to a genre there will be shown genre pictures (if available) instead of artists.

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any progress on this feature request?

Roon currently is picking very poor images for the genre artwork. it would be great to be able to change them to something more appropriate.
