Adding a πŸ’œ from the "Now Playing" bar

Please enable an option to favorite or love a track from the now playing bar. It would probably make sense to add the icon near the track title, similar to how it’s done on the full-size now playing screen (option A). You would even have space here to add a triple-dot menu for contextual actions. If UI noise is a concern, just having the context menu with the ability to love a track would also be greatly appreciated. Screenshot attached.


Or/and be able to long press the play button for the same function.

I like this idea. It takes too many clicks currently.


200% yes! It would also be great to have a hyperlink to the album as well, vs going to the Now Playing screen first and then to the album view.


+1 for sure!

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I agree :100: with this request as well

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Yes, please add the favorites heart to the now playing bar!

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+1 Please add this request

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+1 yes please!

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Too many clicks is maybe a bit exaggerated. It takes 2 clicks. One on the album picture on bottom left and one on the heart. And a 3rd one to get back. Anyway, I would prefer a one click solution as suggested, clear!

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This seems like a no brainer. Plus one from me too.


I would move the Signal Path icon to the left of the Zone Icon, add the Heart to the left of the playback controls.

It retains symmetry: two icons either side of the Pause/Play icon - with the Heart on the same side of the Play icon as the track info/artwork, opposite to the Queue icon.

And I think makes better logical sense by function (grouping Signal Path, Zones, and Volume together).

*Sorry, currently listening via Bluetooth, so no Hi-Res signal path icon.


Very good idea

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+1 Please!

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+1 ten char

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+1 and while your at it add it to the lock screen player conrols too




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Please, please, please add this.

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I heart this request.


+1 please add this

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