After repair of Nucleus?

Roon Core Machine

Roon Labs Nucleus REV B
With a SAMSUNG 870 EVO 4TB SSD installed.

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Router from Telenor Norway: Modell: DG2200TN
TP-LINK TL-SG108 Switch

Connected Audio Devices

Roon Ready: Cambridge Audio Evo 150

Number of Tracks in Library

20000 tracks +/-

Description of Issue

What is the best procedure when I get my Nucelus back from repair?
Thinking about when I put back my SSD disk with music in the Nucleus?
Will everything be in place as before? Or do I have to format the disk again?

Forgot to say that it was the M2 SSD disk that was defective, so a new disk is inserted with roon installed.

Thanks for all the answers!



On another note, when your M.2 was replaced you lost your Roon library (dataset) and hence any curation you may have done, i.e. tags, playlists, etc.

Do you have Backups?

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Yes i have backups. :+1:

Hey @Edvardsen,

Here are the steps for loading a backup:

Happy listening :notes:

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Hello Benjamin,

And thanks for answering me! :+1: :smile:

I found the procedure on how to restore a backup on Roonlabs knowledge base. :+1:

So Iā€™m back and rocking with Roon again!! :metal: :metal:

Thanks for all help!!


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