Nucleus+, I guess you will know the specific of this.
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Description of Issue
Please tell what I can do to enable Roon to find my Nucleus. Before everything was running well - I was playing music. But I got the bottom to actualize Roon and after this Nucleus is not identified.
If possible, can you test out trying to load the webUI of your Nucleus? Make sure the Nucleus is connected directly to your router and powered on.
After that, using a web browser from one of your remote devices :
Please share a screenshot if you’re able to. If you’re not able to access the webUI, please connect the Nucleus to a monitor via HDMI, and let me know what you see.
Hi Ben,
Thx for your support and advise. I will Check it the next days. Because of my Job I have limited time.
Can you tell me what is webUI? Is it a Browser link of the nucleus in weich I can See the Konfiguration and Status of the nucleus? And if so, is this a Standard On my way! That you can send me or dies every Nukleus has a specific ohne?