After updating Roon - "Waiting for Roon Server.." "Your Roon Server doesn't seem to be running"

I got same issue after latest update this morning to Roon core on my Windows 10 PC.

I checked firewall and made sure raatserver.exe and Roon.exe be checked for both private and public network then restarted Roon core. It didn’t work so I turned off firewall on the Roon core PC. It worked so it seems to be a firewall matter and can be temporarily solved by turning firewall off.

However I am not comfortable to keep running with firewall off so I tried turning it back but it failed again. Would appreciate some guidance here.


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I believe that with the latest release, there is an additional Roon component that needs to be added to the Firewall exceptions for certain configurations of Roon.

The roonappliance.exe should be in the list for these configurations.

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Thanks @Geoff_Coupe it worked after I manually added Roonappliance.exe to firewall exception.

It doesn’t work for me, the Roonappliance.exe was already on my firewall. It is weekend i want to listen some music and the roon decides to stop working just because of an update…

@Michalis_Loupasakis1, as this thread was solved for the original poster, can you please create a support request in a new thread? Roon staff does not work on the weekend, but the community may be able to provide some assistance until Roon staff returns Monday.

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