I too have duplicated this issue. I’ve provided my experiences as well as yours to development for the ticket.
My issue was with a WD 2TB USB 3.0 external drive on my Nucleus. Reboots, restarts, reinstalls, and power-downs didn’t fix it and my drive was visible on three other PCs (two Windows and one MacOS). However, my issue has disappeared after trying combinations of exFAT and NTFS formatted USB thumbs in the Nucleus and trying my WD again.
We will hopefully have a fix for this soon.
Edit: If you would @Kenneth_Reinhard, @hedkase, @PrinceofCats, @Robert_Zinn. If you would, please provide the following information about your setup at your earliest convenience to assist in the investigation.
What is the model/manufacturer of your external USB drive
How is it formatted (NTFS/exFAT/FAT32/etc.)?
What is the name of your external drive, does it have any spaces in the name
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and thank you in advance for your assistance.
From your screenshot, the name is “Seagate HD” and does have the space. Is the screenshot correct? Would you mind looking at the drive properties to confirm this and the format for me, please?
@Wes , while I can’t give specific details that you need, I can confirm at least three others having the same issue. As a temporary solution, I recommended they move their external drive to a Mac or Windows, and map it as a network mount. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. Thanks for your help.
If I move the HD to my WIN10, my core the Nucleus Plus, and map it I would then have to add the network drive into ROON, but that would mean my PC would have to be on for the HD to be accessed correct?
@Robert_Zinn , correct, the cpu that you move your external drive to needs to be powered on all the time. This was only a temporary suggestion to get them back listening while we (hoped) Roon would acknowledge the problem.
@Wes I am hesitant to take the update. I am assuming if I wait for the next release, when I choose to apply it, I won’t be taking 1148 that’s pending now, I’ll be taking the next release. Is that correct? I’ve never intentionally skipped a release before.
You’re right.
I skipped once a release because I was on vacation.
When I came back there was a second update and my Nucleus went straight to the newest one.