Album Art - selecting which image is displayed

For albums that have multiple images, how do you select which image displays when you’re browsing? I see how to how to scroll through the images when you’re playing the album but not how to choose which image is the “default.” Thanks

I don’t think you can can choose but you can influence using the Valence option to upgrade or vote for the image.

There’s more information here…

Local files or streaming?

You can edit the album on a tablet or pc using the 3 dot menu and change the artwork to any version you prefer.

Local files

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Scroll to the image you want. At the top you should see a link that says something like “image info”. Select that and you’ll see an option for making it the default.


If you are browsing local albums in “my albums” view then Roon will display the album art embedded in the files or folder. If Roon has selected a different version of album art then you can edit the album to correct it…(see screenshot) but if you’re referring to artist artwork then Valence influences the displayed artwork but you have no direct access (afaik)…

What the other said about the manual editing options is all correct, but I think everyone missed the part about “for albums that have multiple images”.

In this case, you probably have multiple images in the album folder and Roon has rules about which ones it picks and in which order you can scroll through them. The rules are explained somewhat in these threads:

But there are also cases where you have to look for the cover first…

Thanks Ken! That worked! I appreciate the help.

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Thanks Ken, another lesson learnt…:pray:t4:

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