Album artwork wrong way round

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Album artwork not showing the correct way round when all other picture files are correct

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Yes I have added the main cover as Roon does not pick it up even though is tagged correct

Is the album identified in Roon?

its unidentified Album is from Stanyan STZ116-2

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

All album artwork is stored with the audio files connected to my NUC Rock by external HDD. This one album has 7 jpg pictures stored in the same folder, Roon see's all pictures but always shows picture (cover2) around the wrong way, no matter how the file is showing in the folder.

Any idea how to resolve this??

Can you share the actual file rather than a screenshot? Whilst Windows Explorer displays it with the correct orientation, it may not be that way on disk.

This is the file in the album folder

This is the main cover, same folder

No matter what rotation the image is in the folder that Room sees. Roon displays it the way shown

It is likely that Roon caches images for performance reasons. If you change the orientation of the same picture later on, Roon may not detect that (nothing changed?). This seems to be something Roon has to look into. In the meantime, try removing the album folder from the Roon watched folders, clean up your library (Settings|Library) and then add the album folder again. Does this work?


I removed the whole folder cleaned up the library and replaced the folder and still the same thing happens. So sorry your suggestion did not work.

Then maybe your picture is actually saved sideways. For jpegs AFAIK pictures can be saved in the “wrong” orientation and a metatdata entry that tells viewer applications to please rotate the picture when displaying. Maybe Roon does ignore this and other metadata entries when importing pictures? You may have to share the actual file for others to look into this, sharing the image via clipboard from some viewer like you did above is not the same.

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Hi @lester_derek,

My team would be happy to look into why this artwork isn’t loading correctly.

If you don’t mind, would you share the affected album for us to have a look at? Ideally, you would compress (zip) the entire folder with any associated artwork/images. Here’s a link at which you can upload it.

We’ll follow up with next steps once we’ve had a closer look at the actual files.

Thank you for the response, everyone. the picture is fine when you open the file to look at it all, above my pay grade if the metadata is turning it when it looks fine. But I have uploaded the whole file, thanks connor, take some time too and listen to the score by Miklos Rozsa, there’s nothing like good film music.
But these fiddley problems do test me.


Hi @lester_derek,

I’ve checked in with QA, and it appears the problem you’re experiencing is related to a known issue. We’re investigating a workaround, so please stay tuned and I’ll follow up with more information and next steps. I appreciate your patience in the meantime!

I’ll be sure to give the score a listen, and thank you for the recommendation. I agree - there’s such rich expression in film music.

It’s good to know that you and the team are on the case, I would be glad to know the out come.

Hi @lester_derek,

Thank you for your patience here. We took a deeper look at the files you sent, and it appears the actual file for the rotated cover has an Exif orientation value which could cause the image to rotate in certain viewers. None of the other artwork has this particular orientation value, so I suspect that’s the culprit.

I recommend removing the Exif tags for that particular album artwork or replacing it with another image which doesn’t have Exif tags. It should then display with the correct orientation after a restart of Roon. Please let me know if I can clarify further.

I have downloaded a Exif remove program and the image still ends up the wrong way round, I’ve tried removing al meta data too. I’ll probably just delete the photo from the folder. :frowning:

Hi @lester_derek,

For due diligence before despairing, I just want to confirm that Roon picked up the new artwork. After deleting the Exif data, did you try 1) a restart of Roon and 2) a forced rescan of the watched folder with the album?

If you have another source for the high-quality image you’d like to use, it may be worth downloading a fresh file in a different format that you can be sure doesn’t contain any lingering Exif data.

Hi connor, thanks for you time on this, after trying all your options and the photo is still the wrong way round. I re-scanned the image and Roon has placed it the correct way up. I think its very hit and miss as I couldn’t see any meta Exif data in the original file. But sorted now thank you.

Hi @lester_derek,

I’m glad to hear it’s resolved for now and the artwork has straightened out. I’m curious if image caching caused the delay, or the Exif data somehow lingered.

If you encounter the issue again, let us know, and we’ll investigate it further. Happy listening!

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