Album is played through in a second

When I select play album , the bottom middle of the screen scrolls through the titles and then "plays"all the songs. I see the song title and the music “waveform” but only as fast as the software can move through them…
No sound occurs. This literally takes a second or two to play album.

The queue is subsequently empty because it thinks the whole album has been played…

After reconnect USB Cable, it works properly.

This issue happens when I play music after I turned on the DAC for a while.
Right after I turn on the DAC, there is no issue to play.

ROCK -NUC6i5 with 8GB Ram/128SSD/1TB internal HDD
MSB Analog DAC connected via USB…


Hi @Jazkid ----- Thank you for the report and sharing thus observation you have made while using the MSB Analog DAC with ROON. The insight is appreciated!

Moving forward, I would like to get our tech team some additional feedback on this behavior by enabling diagnostics on your account. However before I do, would you kindly provide me with the following time frames:

  1. Please reproduce the issue (i.e select an album an the application cycles through the queue with no sound) and note the time of day when the error occurs.

  2. After the error has occurred, please use you were work around (i.e after reconnecting the USB Cable it works as expected) and note when you achieve playback successfully.

Once I have the above information I will go ahead and enable the mentioned diagnostics on your account :microscope: Additionally, do you notice this behavior with any other audio zones in your setup? During your troubleshooting have you tried swapping out the USB cable?


I will report you when I have the issue again.

This is my first time to have this issue.
Before I used Ayre QB-9 and no issue.


It happened at 5:45am on 1/9. it might be happen earlier than 5:45am, because I played music all night and I check ROON at 5:45. ROON plays music randomly, and when I select the album, it still played album in second.

I reconnect usb cable at 5:47 am and ROON works properly.

Thanks for the update @Jazkid! As mentioned in my previous now that I have a sense as to when the error occurred I will go ahead and enable diagnostics on your account. What this action will do is the next time the application is active on your core machine a diagnostics report containing Roon logs will automatically be generated/uploaded directly to our servers.

Once the report has been received I will follow up to confirm we have it and then pass over to our tech team for analysis.


UPDATE: Confirming that the mentioned diagnostics report has been received and is now with our tech team for review.

Hi @Jazkid ----- Thank you for your patience here while the team has been evaluating the information in the received diagnostics report.

Moving forward, in my first post I had asked if during your troubleshooting you tried using a different USB cable between the NUC and the DAC. Can you please confirm if this test exercise was ever performed? Additionally, the team has asked if you have tried using any of the other inputs on the DAC and if so what was the experience like?

Looking forward to your feedback!


I used a different USB cable and it happened today, 9:45pm, 1/12.

I did not use other input on the DAC cause the NUC is my only music player.


Thank you for the follow up and taking the time to answer my questions @Jazkid, I am going to be updating your ticket with the above feedback and pass back to our techs for further investigation.

Many thanks!

Hey @Jazkid – we set up our MSB Analog DAC with ROCK today and let it play for most of the day, without issue.

Based on what we’re seeing in the logs, it certainly looks like we’re having trouble communicating with the DAC, whether due to a bad cable, or power issue, or something else. In any event, it’s going to be hard for us to move forward here if we can’t reproduce what you’re seeing.

Do you have any ideas about what might be different in your setup from ours? Any ideas about what we can do to see this behavior?

The more details you can give us about how to reproduce this issue, the more likely it is that we can resolve it. Thanks for your patience here!

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It is difficult to tell you that which situations are causing problems.
It seems that the issues are occurring when I played music more than 10 hours.

I order new USB module and hope the problem is solved.

Thank you for your efforts.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.