Album view in playlists

Yes. You would need a separate tag for each playlist for which you want an “album” view.

No. This is not correct. Simply add the playlist to the tag. There is not need to add individual tracks. Any album that contains a track that is part of the playlist will be included in a focus on the tag.

Yes…I am looking forward to delve into all this, but I am seventy and not at all from the field of informatics…I will take my time, but I am already convinced by Roon, not only for playback but also for its richness of complementary infos about discs, composers, performers etc…Roon is a no brainer for me!

But that is NOT what I want. I want the view to show albums then inside the albums I want to see ONLY the tracks in the playlist, NOT the full album. Clear?

I also don’t want to deal with a litany of tags that come from some random situation when I made a playlist for something and then deleted it. I use tags for much more specific purposes - related to properties of the album or track rather than a playlist. It is fundamentally different.

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I have been a lifetime subscriber since July 2015, so I am clearly committed to Roon.

Bumping this…

I hope maybe Harman will pay attention.


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Here is a pic of my

Playlist in Audirvana


I don’t understand. What is this? A playlist in Audirvana shown in album form?

Like the headline says :grinning:

we need in general album view … playlist, queue.
Its pretty dumb when i have 3-4-5 albums in the queue and want let say to shift them a little and remove one of them - so much unnecessary selecting. Especially problematic on android app without keyboard.

To be clear: Ideally, I would like this album view to group by album and only show the album but I don’t want the entirety of the album tracks there. So for example, if I added tracks 3 and 4 of an album to a playlist, I would like those two tracks grouped together (in order of play when I play the playlist) and shown as one album.

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that will be the perfect solution indeed :ok_hand: … so regardless of how many tracks from an album are in the playlist there is an option to view and manage them easy and more convenient as albums

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Adding to this detail, imagine I have a playlist with the following tracks (in this order):

Album C Track 11
Album A Track 3
Album B Track 2
Album A Track1
Album B Track 5
Album C Track 10

The “By Album Sort” would rearrange the order as:

Album C Track 11
Album C Track 10
Album A Track 3
Album A Track1
Album B Track 2
Album B Track 5

And only show the albums in the GUI.

You know, I’ve been a supporter of this feature for years, and I’m now confused why we don’t just use tags, ha. I saw your example, and thought, wait, I CAN do that in Roon… A while back a guy recommended this, and I was one of those who wrote it off as an ‘inconvenient work-around’ which is kinda ■■. Create a tag, add albums or single tracks to the tag. Sure, you can’t set a playback order, but I’m not sure thats really an issue. One response was you need to have the album or track in your library to add it to a tag, but… just add it to your library. For large organizational efforts, use tags. For a party or workout session, etc, use a playlist.

Tags just litter the metadata of each track considerably.

Qobuz App can do it too


Using TAGS in Album view could help, but why not adding a simple Album view in the playlist? Just a different view, instead of viewing tracks you see Albums.

I only part of tracks of a given Album are included in the playlist, the Album would show up anyway maybe with a symbol of “uncompleteness” on it

+1 to this

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BUMP!!! Yes, this is a wanted thing! VOTE!

I did vote

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