Content you’re reporting an issue with
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Screenshot of import settings
From one moment to the next, a number of albums are displayed multiple times in the library.
It only occurs when sorting by artist.
Is anyone familiar with this phenomenon?
I would love to hear it.
Greetings, Ton
Description of the issue
Thanks for your responses.
A restart of Rock fixed the problem.
With regards,
August 18, 2024, 12:44pm
Yes it has to do with compilations where there are multiple artists on an album. There are many threads on here discussing it.
What’s happening? · Something else How can we help? · None of the above Other options · Other Describe the issue I'm having multiple entries appear in the album view despite only one set of files on my NAS. My home screen currently reports showing "4016 of 2152" albums. If I right click on an example of this, both entries are highlighted at once. I've observed this with both local files and Qobuz favourites. Rebooting the core will temporarily fix issue but it gradually returns. The erroneous…
For example.
(Just a fellow user like you)
August 18, 2024, 1:17pm
There’s also a phenomenon that affects albums with just one primary artist as well, where they are truly duplicated just in the display. I.e., if you select one of them, the other one is automatically selected as well. This one is harmless and seems to go away with a server reboot
August 18, 2024, 2:26pm
Not to muddy the waters but, where are you backing up your database? Make sure you are not saving your database backup to a “watched” folder.
I agree with the above answers but this is another thing to check.
August 19, 2024, 6:34pm
Thanks for the update. I’ve quoted you so I can make this as the solution.
August 21, 2024, 6:34am
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