MacOS 10.14.4 on iMac (Retina 5K, 27’’, ultimo 2014) with Roon 1.6 (401)
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Description Of Issue
In Roon, I only see 2 of my 15 Miles Davis albums when I filter on Miles Davis. I can find the other albums when I search for the album title, so they are there in the DB. When I open an album it shows Miles Davis as the artist and when I now click on “Miles Davis” it again only shows the wrong result like in the beginning.
Is there a way to reorganize the ROON database? Haven’t found a way to get the ROON db back to normal.
here is one shot from iTunes showing all albums. When I select artist miles davis in iTunes I get all albums.
The next picture 2 shows the result when clicking on the artist name “Miles Davis” in Roon, e.g. when I am in album Tutu.
The third and forth picture show a way to see all albums in Roon.
When I search with the magnifying glass icon it shows the result on picture 4
I may not know the answer but can tell you what I did to fix something similar I was seeing. I have my roon core on an Intel NUC with my music on a Synology NAS. I would search artist - (Ian Anderson in my case) and would not see his solo albums - I have 3 in flac format. I organize my albums by artist first name - so Ian Anderson was in the I directory. I had to move the albums to a different directory (I chose J) - ran the force scan and everything was fine. It makes me uncomfortable that I know the tags were right - the album format was right - but for some reason they were not picked up.