Albums on NAS not showing in Library

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)


Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Google wifi but Rock and NAS wired

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)


Description Of Issue

Hi have added NAS to Roon and it scans and reports 87 tracks loaded but they do not appear in the library. When I add new tracks it sees them but again I don’t see them added?

Sorry but could you please ellaborate on where you are sering the added tracks, if not in your library?

In the meantime, try to stop and restart Roon core completely. In many cases that is a workaroind for this type of problem.

Hi @David_Crawford,

First, I’d like to point out some documentation we have that may be helpful here. In our KB we have an article about Skipped Files and an article about why some files might be missing from Roon .

If you go to Settings > Library > Skipped Files do you see any of your missing files there?

I’d like to recommend looking at a couple of specific examples of tracks that did not get imported into Roon. Are they supported files? Are they showing up in Skipped Files? If it looks like they should be importing, let me know! Screenshots of these files in their storage location would be helpful for discovering what may be happening.

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