Albums only display in 'album' mode not in 'artist' mode [resolved - update]

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Core (build 778) on 2014 iMac running latest MacOS (10,15,7). Files on directly attached HD storage.

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

iMac and DACi both connected to Orange Livebox by Ethernet

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

dCS connected by Ethernet

Description Of Issue

Since the recent Roon software update, for certain artists a problem that was not previously present has arisen.

When looking for other albums by the artist I’m listening to albums that are displayed as such in ‘Album’ mode are not displayed as albums but tracks if I click on the ‘artist name’ button below the album title.
I’ve checked that the metadata is present and correct for the albums. The problem is also present if I click on the artist name from the ‘Search’ function.
The problem occurs with both AIFF and FLAC files for the same artist/album.

Hey @Nigel_B,

A belated welcome to the Roon community :wave:

Thanks a whole lot for sharing what you’ve discovered with Roon 1.8. I’m sorry it took us this long to get back to you - this is not normally so…:pleading_face:

If you’re still seeing this, could you please include some relevant screenshots in your reply? We’d better understand what you’re referring to :nerd_face:

The problem seems to have been solved with the update I installed yesterday.

I’m now, once again, getting the albums displayed as such when I click on the artist name for the artists that I had noticed the problem with.


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