Albums wiith very long playing time

Sometimes it happens that you end up on an ‘album’ with a very long playing time, it would be useful if ‘Roon’ remembers where you stopped playing, (the back button is not enough), so that for example after one month the system knows where you stopped playing last time, so a choice button: play from beginning or from where you stopped

Hello @fernand_lambert I have moved this to the Feature Request Category. Other users browsing this section will also have the opportunity to view your request and vote if they support the feature.

Don’t forget that you may now want to vote for the feature yourself.

I’d love this too (no votes left, unfortunately) as I have quite a few radio programmes saved to my server and would like a bookmark feature.


As a reminder, always search to see if your potential request has not already been requested. That way all the votes for a particular feature will be together and not diluted.


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