Allo DigiOne board

Andre kindly sent a sample of the DigiOne board for testing with my Pi’s. It has been playing in my main system for a few days now – time for some (early) impressions. :smiley:

  • It sounds really detailed / fine-grained
  • Nice definition in the lower regions
  • Highs are silky smooth – no trace of digital edges
  • Compared to the Hifiberry Digi+, it has a bit more sparkle (or: the Digi+ is slightly flatter)
  • Compared to a Bluesound Node 2, the Node has a bit more body but is also a bit more compressed; the DigiOne is a trifle airier and more extended

My system consists of a pair of Meridian DSP5200 speakers (2x SPDIF) with Blue Jeans cabling and a MiniDSP/Dirac room correction box added in for good measure, all fed by a Pi3/DigiOne with Aqvox LPSU.

I know, lots of bits and slights and trifles, but remember we’re not landing a man on the moon here: it is ‘just’ a digital transport. Do everything right though and you’ll end up with remarkable results: exactly what Allo appear to have achieved here.

Now please excuse me while I’m off to some more music. :slight_smile: